Tongue & Lip Tie Gallery
Tongue & Lip Tie Releases in Belpre, OH
Real results from TOTS releases achieved in our office!
Patient/ Parent Concerns: 8-year-old patient has a tight band of tissue on lip and was advised by another dentist to seek treatment.
Doctor Diagnosis: Patient suffering from a lip tie causing restricted movement of the lip and contributing to the gap between the front teeth.
Treatment: Laser frenectomy treatment by Dr. Huffman.
Outcome: Successful release. 2 weeks post-op the patient has healed nicely (see photo).
Patient/ Parent Concerns: Infant having difficulty latching during breastfeeding.
Doctor Diagnosis: Patient suffering from a Kotlow class 3 lip tie and class 3 tongue tie. Exhibiting restricted movement in both areas.
Treatment: Laser frenectomy treatment by Dr. Huffman which released the frenums allowing the muscles of the tongue and lip to move more freely.
Outcome: Immediately following the procedure, infant was able to latch well, and mother was able to comfortably nurse. During the 3 weeks following the procedure, the infant gained one pound per week.
Patient/ Parent Concerns: Patient having difficulty latching on breast to nurse.
Doctor Diagnosis: Patient suffering from a Kotlow Class 2 tongue tie and a Kotlow Class 3 lip tie.
Treatment: Laser lingual and labial frenectomy by Dr. Huffman to release ties.
Outcome: Infant was able to latch on breast immediately after procedure.
Patient/ Parent Concerns: Patient was unable to latch while breastfeeding. This caused mother to be discouraged and now she exclusively pumps. Mother concerned about clicking sound when bottle feeding, gassiness, and milk tongue.
Doctor Diagnosis: Patient suffering from a deep posterior tongue tie and a lip tie (not pictured).
Treatment: Laser lingual and labial frenectomy by Dr. Huffman to release ties.
Outcome: Immediately following the procedure, the patient’s mother reported a difference in latch during bottle feeding, no clicking sounds, no excessive spilling out of the corners of the mouth, and a deeper latch on the bottle.
2-month-old baby girl patient.
Patient/ Parent Concerns: 2-day old patient having severe difficulty breastfeeding resulting in having to feed infant partially by syringe. Lactation consultant recommended getting assessed for tongue and lip ties. Symptoms present:
- Struggling to latch
- Popping off the breast
- Painful latch for mother
- Making clicking/ smacking noises while feeding
- Hiccupping often
- Moving head side to side when latching
- Lip curling under when taking a bottle
- Pacifier falling out easily
- Creased or flattened nipples for mother
- Infant prefers to feed at one side over the other
Doctor Diagnosis: Patient suffering from Kotlow class 3 tongue tie and class 3 lip tie based on functional exam and symptoms.
Treatment: Laser lingual and labial frenectomy by Dr. Huffman to release ties.
- Immediately after procedure- Infant was able to latch on breast immediately after procedure.
- 24 hours- 50% improvement on popping on/off the breast, clicking, and shallow latch; hiccups improved,
- 3 Weeks- 100% improvement on popping on/off the breast, clicking, and shallow latch.
- 6 Weeks- Successfully breast and bottle-feeding.
2-day-old baby boy patient.
“It is very important to me that mothers and infants in the Mid-Ohio Valley have the medical support they need for diagnosing and treating tongue and lip ties and the many challenges they can create. Our ultimate goal with this treatment is to improve the quality of life of our patients, both children and adults.”
-Dr. Stephen A. Huffman
Learn more about what we offer:
Tongue & Lip Tie Treatment
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Pediatric Dental Care
Patient Concerns: Snoring, tightness in shoulders, neck, and chest, weird sleeping positions, and a severe gag reflex. Patient found us through internet research and traveled from out of town for treatment.
Doctor Diagnosis: Posterior tongue tie and Class 3 lip tie.
Treatment: Laser release of both tongue and lip tie.
Outcome: Patient has seen a huge increase in movement and flexibility throughout her body. She can even bend and touch her toes, which she was never been able to do before.
Patient/ Parent Concerns: Breastfeeding was excruciatingly painful for mother causing her stress and elevated blood pressure.
Doctor Diagnosis: Patient suffering from a lip tie which was restricting movement and causing poor latch for baby and pain for mother.
Treatment: Laser frenectomy treatment by Dr. Huffman which released the frenulum allowing the muscles of the lip to move more freely.
Outcome: Mother was able to nurse infant following treatment with no pain.
Dr. Huffman with baby girl patient.
Doctor Concerns: Dr. Huffman noticed this 6-year-old patient’s lip would not lift fully due to muscle restriction from frenal attachment through the teeth and frenum inserting onto the hard palate.
Doctor Diagnosis: After a further functional examination, Dr. Huffman determined the patient had a class 4 lip tie.
Treatment: Laser frenectomy treatment by Dr. Huffman which released the frenulum allowing the muscles of the lip to move more freely.
Outcome: Without treatment, this patient would likely have issues with speech and there would be no chance for the gap between the front teeth to resolve without orthodontia.
Patient/ Parent Concerns: 6-year-old patient has been in speech therapy for three years with little improvement. The speech therapist recommended the release to patient’s mother who found Dr. Huffman online.
Doctor Diagnosis: Patient suffering from a severe tongue tie which was restricting movement required to enunciate certain sounds and causing separation of the lower front teeth. This tongue tie was one of the most severe that Dr. Huffman has treated. Child patient also showing signs of anxiety and fear concerning the upcoming release procedure.
Treatment: Laser frenectomy treatment by Dr. Huffman which released the frenulum allowing the muscles of the tongue to move more freely. Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) was used as a comfort measure during the procedure to alleviate anxiety.
*Note: The after photo was taken immediately after the release. The lack of blood is due to the cauterization by the laser which is a wonderful advantage to laser releases over scissor/ scalpel releases.
Outcome: Patient is continuing to work with speech therapist to learn how to use his new tongue mobility to make previously challenging sounds. 3 weeks post release, patient is able to say the “L” sound which he was unable to do prior to release.
Adorable 6-year-old tongue tie patient.